Returns & Exchanges

Frequently Asked Questions


According to our company policy published and approved by you, our brand does not work in stock, therefore your order is shipped within 7-1o business days.
All of our products are put on sale as Zhiva are made to order. For this reason, our products are among the products that are within the scope of the exception and the right of withdrawal cannot be exercised as per the contracts regarding the goods prepared in line with the wishes or personal needs of the Consumer.
In this context, the right of return (withdrawal) for the products sold in our store is only limited to the defects resulting from production.


If you would like to exchange an item, please contact us at
In the email, please include:
Order number
Name of the order
Your contact information, e-mail, phone number
Your request of exchange
Additional Feedback, tell us what to improve.
You reserve the right of an exchange within 14 days if the goods are in the same condition when you received it.
When exchanging a product, make sure your product also includes the original packaging and the labels. No need to say your product should be unused.
If you would like to get a different size/color of the same product, let us know in your email and send your item back with the provided free return shipping method or at your own cost. If the product you wish for is available, we will help you out. If not, we will take your request as an return and provide you a refund.
If you would like to exchange your product with a different one, your request will be treated like a refund.
Exchanges can only be made within the same model with a different color/size/number.
